While many systems have been developed to train Graph Neural Networks (GNNs), efficient model inference and evaluation remain to be addressed. For instance, using the widely adopted node-wise approach, model evaluation can account for up to 94% of the time in the end-to-end training process due to neighbor explosion, which means that a node accesses its multi-hop neighbors. On the other hand, layer-wise inference avoids the neighbor explosion problem by conducting inference layer by layer such that the nodes only need their one-hop neighbors in each layer. However, implementing layer-wise inference requires substantial engineering efforts because users need to manually decompose a GNN model into layers for computation and split workload into batches to fit into device memory. In this paper, we develop Deep Graph Inference (DGI) -- a system for easy and efficient GNN model inference, which automatically translates the training code of a GNN model for layer-wise execution. DGI is general for various GNN models and different kinds of inference requests, and supports out-of-core execution on large graphs that cannot fit in CPU memory. Experimental results show that DGI consistently outperforms layer-wise inference across different datasets and hardware settings, and the speedup can be over 1,000x.
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The Interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy sets (IVIFSs) based on the intuitionistic fuzzy sets combines the classical decision method is in its research and application is attracting attention. After comparative analysis, there are multiple classical methods with IVIFSs information have been applied into many practical issues. In this paper, we extended the classical EDAS method based on cumulative prospect theory (CPT) considering the decision makers (DMs) psychological factor under IVIFSs. Taking the fuzzy and uncertain character of the IVIFSs and the psychological preference into consideration, the original EDAS method based on the CPT under IVIFSs (IVIF-CPT-MABAC) method is built for MAGDM issues. Meanwhile, information entropy method is used to evaluate the attribute weight. Finally, a numerical example for project selection of green technology venture capital has been given and some comparisons is used to illustrate advantages of IVIF-CPT-MABAC method and some comparison analysis and sensitivity analysis are applied to prove this new methods effectiveness and stability.
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Imbalanced-leasemble,缩写为IMBens,是一个开源Python工具箱,用于快速实现和部署类别 - 不平衡数据的集合学习算法。它提供对多个最先进的集合不平衡学习(EIL)方法,可视化器和公用事业功能的访问,以处理类别不平衡问题。这些集合方法包括基于重采样的,例如/过度采样,以及重量基于/过度采样,例如,敏感的学习。除了实现之外,我们还扩展了传统的二进制EIL算法,与多级支持和重采样调度程序等新功能,从而使它们能够处理更复杂的任务。该软件包是在简单的,良好的API设计中开发的,遵循Scikit-Gearn的易于使用。 IMBens在MIT开源许可证下发布,可以从Python包索引(PYPI)安装。 https://github.com/zhiningliu1998/imbalanced-ensemble可以使用源代码,二进制文件,详细文档和使用示例。
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本文回顾了关于压缩视频质量增强质量的第一个NTIRE挑战,重点是拟议的方法和结果。在此挑战中,采用了新的大型不同视频(LDV)数据集。挑战有三个曲目。Track 1和2的目标是增强HEVC在固定QP上压缩的视频,而Track 3旨在增强X265压缩的视频,以固定的位速率压缩。此外,轨道1和3的质量提高了提高保真度(PSNR)的目标,以及提高感知质量的2个目标。这三个曲目完全吸引了482个注册。在测试阶段,分别提交了12个团队,8支球队和11支球队,分别提交了轨道1、2和3的最终结果。拟议的方法和解决方案衡量视频质量增强的最先进。挑战的首页:https://github.com/renyang-home/ntire21_venh
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Recent investigations on rotation invariance for 3D point clouds have been devoted to devising rotation-invariant feature descriptors or learning canonical spaces where objects are semantically aligned. Examinations of learning frameworks for invariance have seldom been looked into. In this work, we review rotation invariance in terms of point cloud registration and propose an effective framework for rotation invariance learning via three sequential stages, namely rotation-invariant shape encoding, aligned feature integration, and deep feature registration. We first encode shape descriptors constructed with respect to reference frames defined over different scales, e.g., local patches and global topology, to generate rotation-invariant latent shape codes. Within the integration stage, we propose Aligned Integration Transformer to produce a discriminative feature representation by integrating point-wise self- and cross-relations established within the shape codes. Meanwhile, we adopt rigid transformations between reference frames to align the shape codes for feature consistency across different scales. Finally, the deep integrated feature is registered to both rotation-invariant shape codes to maximize feature similarities, such that rotation invariance of the integrated feature is preserved and shared semantic information is implicitly extracted from shape codes. Experimental results on 3D shape classification, part segmentation, and retrieval tasks prove the feasibility of our work. Our project page is released at: https://rotation3d.github.io/.
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With the attention mechanism, transformers achieve significant empirical successes. Despite the intuitive understanding that transformers perform relational inference over long sequences to produce desirable representations, we lack a rigorous theory on how the attention mechanism achieves it. In particular, several intriguing questions remain open: (a) What makes a desirable representation? (b) How does the attention mechanism infer the desirable representation within the forward pass? (c) How does a pretraining procedure learn to infer the desirable representation through the backward pass? We observe that, as is the case in BERT and ViT, input tokens are often exchangeable since they already include positional encodings. The notion of exchangeability induces a latent variable model that is invariant to input sizes, which enables our theoretical analysis. - To answer (a) on representation, we establish the existence of a sufficient and minimal representation of input tokens. In particular, such a representation instantiates the posterior distribution of the latent variable given input tokens, which plays a central role in predicting output labels and solving downstream tasks. - To answer (b) on inference, we prove that attention with the desired parameter infers the latent posterior up to an approximation error, which is decreasing in input sizes. In detail, we quantify how attention approximates the conditional mean of the value given the key, which characterizes how it performs relational inference over long sequences. - To answer (c) on learning, we prove that both supervised and self-supervised objectives allow empirical risk minimization to learn the desired parameter up to a generalization error, which is independent of input sizes. Particularly, in the self-supervised setting, we identify a condition number that is pivotal to solving downstream tasks.
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In the new era of personalization, learning the heterogeneous treatment effect (HTE) becomes an inevitable trend with numerous applications. Yet, most existing HTE estimation methods focus on independently and identically distributed observations and cannot handle the non-stationarity and temporal dependency in the common panel data setting. The treatment evaluators developed for panel data, on the other hand, typically ignore the individualized information. To fill the gap, in this paper, we initialize the study of HTE estimation in panel data. Under different assumptions for HTE identifiability, we propose the corresponding heterogeneous one-side and two-side synthetic learner, namely H1SL and H2SL, by leveraging the state-of-the-art HTE estimator for non-panel data and generalizing the synthetic control method that allows flexible data generating process. We establish the convergence rates of the proposed estimators. The superior performance of the proposed methods over existing ones is demonstrated by extensive numerical studies.
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The high feature dimensionality is a challenge in music emotion recognition. There is no common consensus on a relation between audio features and emotion. The MER system uses all available features to recognize emotion; however, this is not an optimal solution since it contains irrelevant data acting as noise. In this paper, we introduce a feature selection approach to eliminate redundant features for MER. We created a Selected Feature Set (SFS) based on the feature selection algorithm (FSA) and benchmarked it by training with two models, Support Vector Regression (SVR) and Random Forest (RF) and comparing them against with using the Complete Feature Set (CFS). The result indicates that the performance of MER has improved for both Random Forest (RF) and Support Vector Regression (SVR) models by using SFS. We found using FSA can improve performance in all scenarios, and it has potential benefits for model efficiency and stability for MER task.
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A general, {\em rectangular} kernel matrix may be defined as $K_{ij} = \kappa(x_i,y_j)$ where $\kappa(x,y)$ is a kernel function and where $X=\{x_i\}_{i=1}^m$ and $Y=\{y_i\}_{i=1}^n$ are two sets of points. In this paper, we seek a low-rank approximation to a kernel matrix where the sets of points $X$ and $Y$ are large and are not well-separated (e.g., the points in $X$ and $Y$ may be ``intermingled''). Such rectangular kernel matrices may arise, for example, in Gaussian process regression where $X$ corresponds to the training data and $Y$ corresponds to the test data. In this case, the points are often high-dimensional. Since the point sets are large, we must exploit the fact that the matrix arises from a kernel function, and avoid forming the matrix, and thus ruling out most algebraic techniques. In particular, we seek methods that can scale linearly, i.e., with computational complexity $O(m)$ or $O(n)$ for a fixed accuracy or rank. The main idea in this paper is to {\em geometrically} select appropriate subsets of points to construct a low rank approximation. An analysis in this paper guides how this selection should be performed.
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Cooperative multi-agent reinforcement learning (c-MARL) is widely applied in safety-critical scenarios, thus the analysis of robustness for c-MARL models is profoundly important. However, robustness certification for c-MARLs has not yet been explored in the community. In this paper, we propose a novel certification method, which is the first work to leverage a scalable approach for c-MARLs to determine actions with guaranteed certified bounds. c-MARL certification poses two key challenges compared with single-agent systems: (i) the accumulated uncertainty as the number of agents increases; (ii) the potential lack of impact when changing the action of a single agent into a global team reward. These challenges prevent us from directly using existing algorithms. Hence, we employ the false discovery rate (FDR) controlling procedure considering the importance of each agent to certify per-state robustness and propose a tree-search-based algorithm to find a lower bound of the global reward under the minimal certified perturbation. As our method is general, it can also be applied in single-agent environments. We empirically show that our certification bounds are much tighter than state-of-the-art RL certification solutions. We also run experiments on two popular c-MARL algorithms: QMIX and VDN, in two different environments, with two and four agents. The experimental results show that our method produces meaningful guaranteed robustness for all models and environments. Our tool CertifyCMARL is available at https://github.com/TrustAI/CertifyCMA
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